• Marketing that uses the mail service to send B2C and B2B promotions to targeted groups in the SWFL area such as homes from Naples, Fort Myers, Cape Coral and more.
  • The Valpak Blue Envelope allows a variety of businesses to send out advertisements including home improvements, health, retail and more!
  • This is an opportunity to send and receive savings on a local, regional, and national level.
  • Businesses can also choose to send solo direct mail advertising, in which case only one business will be featured.

Speak from their doorstep.

Your product or service can be promoted right at the doorstep of potential consumers through direct mail. Advertising through direct mail is a great market resource for reaching your SWFL consumers because it means your advertisements can personally introduce themselves to targeted audiences through their mailboxes. This method of advertising is still a big trend in the market today, but a steady contender has been on the rise. Digital marketing is expanding rapidly as more businesses recognize the potential of marketing to more consumers almost immediately. Consumers are caught in the middle - people now have “junk mail” coming to their online inbox as well as their physical mailbox. Being bombarded by advertising tires the consumer. Valpak of SWFL knows that good advertising will use both direct mail print and digital for maximum effectiveness.

Put something worth opening in there.

It is important to find creative ways to advertise so that your promotions stand out. Entice your consumers to open their mail. An opportunity to save is a good lure for this. People generally enjoy saving money. If your good or service can save them money, as well as meet a need or want, then there is a good chance the mail will be opened. Valpak conveniently presents savings to the consumer by mailing ads with coupons through direct mail, while additionally advertising online offers.

People know that when they see Valpak’s signature blue envelope in the mail, it is sure to be full of deals applicable to the consumer. The majority of Valpak’s client advertising is B2C marketing containing a diverse assortment of ads. This could include ads such as home improvement savings or seasonal deals. 

Getting your consumer to open the envelope or email is a big step, but there’s more to it than that. Knowing your consumer is one essential part of direct mail advertising. Since direct mail is personal and, as the name implies, ‘direct,’ you want to take full advantage of the personable nature of that communication. If you mail by location, familiarize yourself with the local audience so that you can better target them as potential consumers. Think of them as potential converts (the desired behavior here being to call the number on the ad or use the coupon). For instance, if you are advertising to an old town in Naples that prides itself on its history, but you advertise in a big corporate style, then you are estranging your audience and effectively wasting resources on an ineffective ad. Show the people that you understand them and what is important to them so that your ad will be more applicable to their daily lives. 

Know your customer.

As you familiarize yourself with your consumer you will build relationships in the community and expand your brand awareness in Southwestern Florida. Advertising through direct mail should be treated differently than online or mobile advertising. With direct mail print, the consumer is at home, and likely not hurried or on the move. They have more time to spend looking at details and information. However, your ad shouldn’t be so bogged down with unnecessary information, that they won’t take the time to read all of it. Think of the things they absolutely need to know. Upon opening mail, the consumer will spend more time considering an ad on average than they would with an ad on a mobile device, but that attention is still limited. Reading a lot of content takes effort. If you have a lot of content on there, you had better make it worthy of a closer look.